We Greet You In The Powerful Name Of the Lord,
And Welcome You To Our Website

SPMBC is dedidcated to
Spreading A Passion,

For The Supremacy Of God,
In All things,
For The Joy Of All People,
Through Jesus Christ,
Our Lord.

Rev. Darwin Ransom, Pastor

Having Tea With Jesus

Having Tea with Jesus and escaping all my troubles.

No stress, no worries, no need to hurry.

I can sit down relax with Him when everyone else bothers.

I can go into my sacred place and let go with my Father.

No judgement, no anger, just a still mind.

I can have tea with Jesus and I know I’ll be fine.



Service Schedule
Sunday School 9:30 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
Wed. Prayer 6:30 pm
Wed. Bible Study 7:00 pm
Youth Sunday Every 2nd Sunday 11:00 am
Men's Fellowship 2nd Sat. 8:30 am
Women's Fellowship Every 3rd Sat. 8:45 am